Apprenticeships to Power

“In this context we are using the word power to mean aligned with our own nature the essence of who we are , that which lies beyond the wonder of our personalities! From this centering we come into a aligned relationship with spirit and from this co-creative partnership we come to a life of power|”

The shamanic path ultimately leads us into one of service to life, rising up from the relationship we have with our inner power or nature together in partnership with helping spirits. I am offering to be a companion along with you as we uncover the map of your journey with my skill expereince and as a human support to guide and nurture this process.

Over a 9 month period we work together as you become a apprentice to your power and encounter your own unique offering, qualities and skills in the world with authenticity and integrity. This ask for commitment and dedication from us both. Firstly to yourself, spirit, the land, ancestors, and our process. The journey is unknown until it begins as over the 9 months we begin to work to heal and resolve that which blocks these connections to your own nature as they show themselves.

From the freedom this offers we can then encounter and embrace your own unique nature and from this awaken contact with your power so that it can be available and of service to our world. Finally by understanding how to be effective and spirit led we awaken our relationship to power with ourselves and spirit. This dynamic offers a co-creative partnership that is much needed at this time in our history.

If this is a journey you are interested in taking with me as your guide please contact to explore and discuss the details of this process, practicalities, costs and the commitment required of this sacred journey to yourself . It is important that we both are committed to take this step into the unknown, led by your courage and willingness, held by my knowledge and expereince within the unlimited generosity of spirit.

This nine month process is offered as one full day a month 10am-5pm and then a more regualr session afterwards to support the integration process. Cost each month is on a sliding scale of £200/ £180/£160/£140 with a £10 reduction it taken online as a simple vegan luch is offered for inperson sessions.