Me and Why I do this work?

“With practice and dedication shamanism opens a new yet old relationship with life inviting a way of being that honours the sacred and holds respect for all life helping us to see the reality of the cause of pain in ourselves and our world while opening us to see the beauty while feeling the joy too”

I remember my first encounter with shamanic healing – as I lay there I opened my eyes and for a moment in the candle light seeing the practitioner drumming and singing. This all felt very familiar to me and I thought this is my way I felt at home. From that moment I liked shamanism and shamanism seemed to like me. I have been exploring and following where this has led me ever since and what a journey that has been and continues to be!

With a background in counselling and psychology it made sense to me to follow my inner impulse to train in these ways and very soon after my first healing session I began my training. First with a local practitioner Nick Levitt then with the Sacred Trust based in the UK as well as extensivly with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. I also learnt with Sandra Ingermann, Jonathon Horowitz and Zara Waldeback and a number of indigenous teachers that grew up with these ways form the Americas and my homeland of Ireland.

In my own life I have experienced a number of traumatic and distressing events which have impacted my life greatly and this is the reason I sought out a healing path. I needed it seems to expereince such a disconnection from life in order to seek such a deep re-connection that shamanism offers – I really needed relief from my distress wounds and traum and my own awakening occurred in 1999 and so begun what I refer to as my own intentional healing path which I had always been seeking or it had been seeking me.

As a result of my ongoing healing process these events no longer hold such power over me. Shamanism has been the catalyst to let go of these experiences and find a inner strength and flow with life. With the support and wisdom of spirit in a helping partnership, I have been able out of this to shape a life that works for me and transform my wounds into a way that can serve life.

Nature has always been a immense support for me as a child it was the place I wanted to be as it still is very much today. When my own healing process began the call from the natural world came and so much healing and insight has come to me simply by deepening my connection with the land in physical and spiritual ways. My own shamanism is rooted in natural cycles both my own and those of nature to follow and flow with these brings immense well being and opportunity, everything has its season I have come to see.

I am a qualified counsellor and trainer graduating after four years from the University of West of England in 2004 in counselling and psychology. I worked in this way working with individuals and groups in a variety of settings, education, restorative and criminal justice, alongside the NHS in residential and community therapeutic programs until 2012 when I left this work to focus and dedicate full time to my shamanic work.

This background of the personal and professional I feel gives me a good foundation and practical way of working of my work and offering with shamanism. I also work as a Tarot Therapist details of this work can be found on my website

Meeting Shamanism changed the course of my life and brought a deep connection and acceptance of both my gifts and my shadow. The integration of these has brought a growing peace creativity and joy and where once the traumatic events of my life pulled me down and were destructive they now serve the work I offer. When challenges come and they do I have a rich resources to call on for help to address them.

I believe shamanism offers a new hope and vision for individuals as well as our society as a whole. I am inspired by the courage of people that come as they heal from there own challenges and I love to lead workshops showing those that come the possibilities that await as we learn to safely and effectively navigate the world of spirit.

I have a daily practice that includes prayer and meditation, shamanic work, walking with nature, exercise, yoga and divination. I practice Ahimsa as a way of intention (the way of non-harm) as well as my creative practices with writing and music. I play the guitar, recorder and am learning keyboards.

As a word weaver I have been published with articles on shamanism, animism and nature based topics in Indie shaman as well as other magazines and blogs. Currently I am writing my first book based on the course I offered “Communion with Trees” this is currently in the process of being published.

I am learning in such a transient world to put roots and connect and build a sacred relationship with the land you live on has great benefit for human beings and all that live on that land also. As part of this developing connection I am  involved in local conservation and re-wilding projects.

In offering myself as a shamanic practitioner I feel its important you have a sense of who I am and why I do this and hope these words meet this for you and may all blessings be yours, I wish you well in your life’s journey.