Your Session

Personal sessions are held in a dedicated space, created, built in ceremony and partnership with spirit, so that the building can be in harmony with the land it is now a part off. For distance and remote working we can use zoom/phone/Skype as a way to connect, you are invited to prepare a space in your home to receive the work offered.

When we make a decision to change or let go of something, the healing process begins. We are asking and opening ourselves up to something new and different to come forward into our lives and awareness. We all need help at times, with support from someone to help us heal we really are not meant to live alone or solve everything ourselves.

Arranging a session can be seen as a commitment to the decision you have made to heal and resolve a issue, as you are taking action to follow this through the session will then become a part of your healing process. As with all healing, it is driven by your intention and is an active process asking for your participation. Once you commit then so do I to be with you in this process.

It will be help the work greatly to prepare with some simple practices to support you before we meet. I have found this really helps the session so there is a benefit to engage with them.

Firstly, to be with nature and on the land as much as possible before the session. While out there, try to sense that, as you go, you are being seen by nature itself – there you may wish to ask and contemplate the following questions.

  • Why am I coming to shamanism at this time?
  • What is it I am searching and hoping for, or looking to change or let go of?
  • What is my vision and feeling of how I would like my life to be?

The asking is as important as getting the answer, as it opens us up to something new, so do not worry if you do not have complete clarity consider what happens when you ask these questions how do you respond? It will also help to be aware of any dreams you have any synchronicity or omens you encounter.

You may wish to work with a creative project with these questions and answers you receive. For example art such as painting or creating a collage or movement and dance, music, poetry whatever calls to you. We are all artists if we allow the space to be that, working in this way helps us become artists of our life!

Finally, the night before we meet, as you go to sleep ask for a dream that will support you in our work the next day. As you wake, take a moment to give thanks for your life and all that is to come.

There really is no typical session; each is a unique meeting, and I work with each person in different ways, depending on your needs, and by asking and listening to spirit. Together we co-create the session; my role is to act as a facilitator and holder of the space and to bring the healing through to you from spirit.

Before you arrive I will have prepared the space so that it is dedicated to your healing and well-being. This creates a safe and sacred container that holds and will support the work we are about to engage with.

There will be time to talk and let you settle when you arrive, and again afterward there will be a time to talk where I will share any healing stories and practices that support the integration of the healing as well as to make sure you’re ready and grounded, as you re-engage with your life now in a new and different way.

I feel it is important to support you both before and after, so once we have both committed to the session, I am here to support,within reason, you to help integrate the work done and answer any questions or to listen to your experiences. However in the spirit of the work it is you that is responsible for how this will unfold for you.

Sessions tend to last an hour and a half to two hours, though I will always work with your process as it shows itself in the session so a session can be longer or shorter in time depending on what is needed. I am flexible with time so please check for availability. It will help if you can have a relaxed day afterwards if you can get time to yourself in the natural world this will be a great support in your integration.

I ask the fee of £85/£75/£65/£55 for each session please pay what is appropriate for your current circumstances from the sliding scale. I ask that you pay before the session using pay-pal my account name is this email or bring cash on the day or ask for my bank details.

I have found it useful to have at least two sessions to support your healing and integration. Though this work is sometimes the end of something and sometimes the begining of something so each person is unique in what they need and how I can help. My role though is to make myself redundant and to empower you to live a lived life.

This work is not a replacement for medical and psychological interventions but can work hand in hand with these interventions.